Thursday, September 27, 2018

Thank you, Mr, Kimmel!

Unbelievably Mr. Kimmel is the ONLY media person actually discussing the madness of King Donald this morning, amply displayed at his rambling incoherent "press conference" (generous term) yesterday.

Not a single mention of the obvious insanity displayed by the president yesterday for 80 MINUTES RUNNING in the paper of record or on ANY major media outlets.

This continued normalization of Trump's bizarre mentality as reflected in his public statements by everyone from Faux News to MSNBC  is frighteningly familiar.

And it occurs to me that it is always the Republicans, from Nixon to Starr to Kavanaugh, who seem to insist the public suffer every demoralizing detail of the sexual exploits of politicians. You have the give the Dems credit, when they misbehave they try to keep it quiet, resign, apologize and quietly slink away. The Republicans seem to get a charge out of airing every detail of someone's dirty laundry, and anyone's will do.  They're clearly titillated, and assume the rest of us are as well. The question is (as I decide whether or not to watch this hearing today), are we? And if so, is that the final joke on us all? Would we be able to admit it if it were?

And then there's this madness... note China's representative subtle shrug of shoulders in response to Trump's bizarre accusation – the rep seems to be saying "whaddaya gonna do, guy's nuts". We feel ya.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018